One more year ANTEIA in the regattas of the ACT

[wpse_leading] One more year, we will be the official wave data providers for the ACT (Association of Trawler Clubs) in the regattas of the Eusko Label Liga. [/ wpse_leading]

This year our ANTEIA buoy will also be present in all regattas of the ACT and will calculate in real time the height, direction and period of the waves of the haggling field. This information will be available to both the clubs and the viewer himself, since the data will be shown in each television broadcast on the EiTB channel.

The innovative technology that our ANTEIA oceanographic buoy has, in addition to its small dimensions (26Kg and 0.6m in diameter) and its GPS have made ACT trust in ZUNIBAL, since it has essential maneuverability for this type of event and excellent data transmission capacity.

This Saturday, July 11, we will offer real-time data during the regatta of San Sebastián, the first of the season, and we will continue to do so until September, reporting live and transmitting the data every minute. The technology we offer is of great help in planning both this event and the upcoming ones of the Eusko Label Liga.





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