
국제 해양 에너지 회의 (ICOE)에 참석하는 주니발

국제 해양 에너지 회의 (ICOE)에 참석하는 주니발   주니발은 항상 해양과 관련된 목표에 대하여 명확한 해결책을 연구, 혁신, 개발하는 철학에 충실해 왔으며, 에너지 클러스터, 바스크 해양 포럼과 더불어 국제 해양 에너지 회의 (ICOE 2016)에서 바스크 지방 파동 에너지 상표를 제출한 바스크 회사들의 대표단으로 참석을 합니다 700명 이상의 대표자와 100여 개의 연단, 그리고 20편의 프레젠테이션으로 이루어지는 …

국제 해양 에너지 회의 (ICOE)에 참석하는 주니발 Leer más »

Zunibal in the International Conference of Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016)

Zunibal in the International Conference of Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016) ZUNIBAL faithful to its philosophy of research, innovates and develops specific solutions always related to the sea, it has been part of the delegation of Basque companies which have submitted the trademark Wave Energy Basque Country in International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016), together …

Zunibal in the International Conference of Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016) Leer más »

Zunibal 於 海洋能源的國際會議 (ICOE 2016)

 Zunibal 於 海洋能源的國際會議 (ICOE 2016) ZUNIBAL忠實於他的研究, 創新和研發與海相關的特定的解決方案的理念, 他成為了巴斯克企業代表團的一部分, 介紹著Wave Energy Basque Country (巴斯克自治區浪能量) 的品牌於 海洋能源的國際會議 (ICOE 2016), 連同能源群組以及巴斯克海事論壇. 此事件匯集了超過700名代表, 大約100 個攤位以及二十個的演講, ICOE 2016 是海洋能源領域最重要的國際盛會, 從2月23日至25日在愛丁堡舉行.   感謝曾經參訪過的大家.   Zunibal

Zunibal en International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016)

Zunibal en International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016).   Zunibal fiel a su filosofía de investigar , innovar y desarrollar soluciones específicas siempre relacionadas con el mar, ha formado parte la delegación de empresas vascas que han presentado la marca Wave Energy Basque Country en International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016), junto con el …

Zunibal en International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2016) Leer más »

Zunibal participe en tant que projet pilote du projet européen LCiP

Zunibal participe en tant que projet pilote du projet européen LCiP Dans le cadre du projet européen LCiP, le Cluster de l’Énergie collabore avec deux entreprises associées dans deux projets pilote. Zunibal est l’une des deux entreprises sélectionnées, dans laquelle différents outils sont développés, notamment l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie et l’identification de l’impact environnemental …

Zunibal participe en tant que projet pilote du projet européen LCiP Leer más »

ZUNIBAL participates as a pilot project in the European LCiP project

ZUNIBAL participating as a pilot project in the European LCiP project As part of the European LCiP project, the Energy Cluster is collaborating with two member companies on two pilot projects. ZUNIBAL is one of the two chosen companies, in which tools such as life-cycle analysis and the identification of the environmental impact of its …

ZUNIBAL participates as a pilot project in the European LCiP project Leer más »

Zunibal participa como proyecto piloto del proyecto Europeo LCiP

Zunibal participa como proyecto piloto del proyecto Europeo LCiP En el marco del proyecto Europeo LCiP, el Clúster de Energía colabora con dos empresas asociadas en dos proyectos piloto. Zunibal es una de las dos empresas elegidas, en las que se implementan herramientas como el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida y la identificación del impacto …

Zunibal participa como proyecto piloto del proyecto Europeo LCiP Leer más »

Fotos ganadoras del I Concurso de Fotografía «20 aniversario»

Fotos ganadoras concurso «20 años dedicándonos a la mar» Estas son las fotos ganadoras  del I Concurso de Fotografía de Zunibal: 1º premio – Atardecer    Iñigo San Millán    Grupo Conservas Garavilla S.L 2º premio – Círculo del Speed Boat   Naya Izurieta Mena Elvaika S.A   ¡¡¡¡¡Gracias a todos por participar!!!!! Zunibal

Winner photos of the I photography contest of Zunibal «20th anniversary»

Winner photos of the I photography contest of Zunibal «20th anniversary» These are the winner photos of the 1st photo contest of Zunibal:   1st prize – Atardecer    Iñigo San Millán    Grupo Conservas Garavilla S.L 2nd prize – Círculo del Speed Boat   Naya Izurieta Mena Elvaika S.A   Thank you for participating!!!!!!!!! Zunibal

Finalist photos of the 1st Photo Contest «20th Anniversary»

Finalist photos of the 1st Photo Contest «20th Anniversary» These are the finalist photos of the 1st Zunibal Photo Contest. All of them will be part of the calendar 2016 «20 years dedicating to the sea». On Friday December 4th we will know the 2 winning photos. Good luck !!!