The purpose of this policy is to define the principles and establish the commitments that govern our activity with respect to the circular economy, making them available to our stakeholders.
The circular economy represents a change in the way we produce and consume. Instead of the traditional linear model based on extract, make, use and dispose, it seeks to close the life cycles of products and materials. By maximizing the value of resources for as long as possible, it promotes reuse, repair and recycling, thus minimizing waste generation.
This approach not only benefits the environment by reducing the carbon footprint and pressure on natural resources, but also drives sustainable economic growth and improves quality of life. By aligning our actions with the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Undersea Living), we contribute to building a more just and equitable future for all.
Zunibal integrates the circular economy model into its sustainability strategy to generate a positive impact on the environment and society, mainly by promoting activities that achieve increasingly sustainable fishing.
Our commitments
▪ To offer customized technological solutions for the fishing sector, powered by artificial intelligence for more efficient resource management, so that our customers can make better decisions, optimizing fishing routes and improving catch selectivity.
▪ Collaborate with governments and local communities to identify and adopt best practices in waste management and the search for alternative uses for our products at the end of their useful life.
▪ Integrate the principles of the circular economy in the continuous improvement of all the company’s management processes, identifying and evaluating the risks and opportunities associated with each activity, establishing objectives and action plans, and monitoring and measuring performance through circularity indicators.
▪ Adopting Ecodesign as a solution to reduce environmental impact with a life cycle perspective, applying it to both products and facilities.
▪ Continuously increase the use of secondary or post-consumer raw materials, particularly plastics due to their strong impact on the marine ecosystem.
▪ Establish alliances with suppliers and research centers to develop solutions that allow the incorporation of alternative materials of renewable and/or biodegradable origin in our products, integrating durability and recyclability criteria. In this way, we will ensure that our products have a longer useful life and can be easily recycled at the end of their useful life.
▪ Applying the best available techniques in our processes to improve energy efficiency. By reducing consumption, while progressively substituting emission sources of non-renewable origin with the use of clean energies, we also contribute to the mitigation of climate change.
▪ Compliance with current legislation on waste management to ensure its correct treatment. Adoption of the waste hierarchy principle, prioritizing prevention, reuse and recycling, mainly of hazardous waste by replacing it with safer alternative substances, but also of non-hazardous waste. In cases where these options are not possible, we will opt for recovery, including energy recovery, leaving disposal as the last option.
▪ Involve our suppliers, contractors and collaborators in general so that they are also governed by the principles expressed in this policy.
▪ Raise awareness among our employees through training and awareness programs on waste management and the principles of the circular economy, sharing the progress achieved and achieving greater commitment and participation of the entire team.
Policy approved by the Board of Directors on: December 10, 2024