Zuntracker is a tracking system designed by Zunibal for the location and control of the fleet. Its robust and marinized construction guarantees the product’s tightness, extending its useful life. The data collected by the antenna can be consulted from any device, including ZuniSea Office and smartphones.
Product details
Global coverage
Iridium communicator
Easy installation
Designed for easy installation by the user
Ad hoc configuration
Transmissions according to the users needs
Additional services
- Marinized design
GPS & Glonass
- Latitude, longitude, heading, speed, date and time.
- DC power supply from 9V to 36V.
- Mobile Friendly Web: fleets position on PC, smartphone and tablet.
- Positions sending interval configurable by the user.
- Management tools:
- Work areas
- Position / Trace History
- Show / Hide EEZ
- Export data in Excel and KML.
- Visualization in Google Maps.
Free maintenance
Without any extra expense