Sustainability Policy
To offer technological solutions for sustainable fishing so as to ensure that stocks can be fished well into the future without negatively impacting the viability of the target species, other species within the ecosystem or people.
Maintain fishing activity over the long term and contributing to sustainable development as per the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are aims for which we have defined the following basic principles of action or commitments.
Our commitments
Support the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Global Compact principles on human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption.
To adhere to Nazca Capital’s Responsible Investment Policy, integrating sustainability into all company processes, providing the necessary resources, and managing the expectations of the company’s various stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, public institutions, and society in general) in terms of sustainability.
Establish periodic control mechanisms to review compliance with ESG Policy and Strategy, evaluating the performance of proposed objectives and actions to prevent harm to people and the environment.
Define responsible behavior in specific issues that will lead us to:
- Respect fundamental human rights
- Not to be accomplices in the violation of Human Rights.
- Respect freedom of association and collective bargaining.
- Reject child labor, forced or compulsory labor.
- Do not discriminate under any conditions and promote equal opportunities.
- Promote work and family life within the organization.
- Preserve the environment, biodiversity and combat climate change.
- Improve people’s health, safety and well-being.
- Comply with fiscal responsibility and fight against corruption and illegal behavior.
- Eliminate such issues among our suppliers and in supply chain.
To offer products and technological solutions that enable increasingly sustainable fishing, to preserve marine biodiversity and add value to both the decarbonization of fishing and the digitalization and connectivity of vessels decarbonization of fishing and for the digitalization and connectivity of fishing vessels fishing vessels.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change, with a commitment to reaching climate change, with a commitment to become a net-zero emissions company by 2050, in line with the company’s company by 2050 in line with the objectives of the Paris agreement.
Carry out the commitments acquired in the circular economy policy.
Maintain the Environmental Management System as a model for identifying environmental aspects and determining their impact on the environment environmental aspects and determine their impact on the environment through the calculation of the Corporate Environmental Footprint the Corporate Environmental Footprint.
Promote a safe and healthy work environment in which to enhance people’s talent, and thereby achieve a more efficient organization to achieve a more resilient organization, integrating diversity, equity and inclusion criteria diversity, equity and inclusion.
To apply the best practices of governance, ethics, transparency and risk management in the company’s decision decision making, ensuring that the company’s practices are in line with its objectives and comply with regulations in its objectives and comply with regulations in areas such as anti-corruption, fraud, information security, and privacy, etc.
Promote the commitments on Sustainability and Human Rights Due Diligence adopted internally, to customers adopted internally, to customers, suppliers and fishing-related communities, moving towards a more ESG risk-resilient supply chain. and communities related to fishing, tending towards a supply chain more resilient to ESG risk.
Establish alliances and collaborations with the necessary stakeholders to participate in projects that positively impact projects that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
Transparently report sustainability performance to stakeholders through ESG indicators and reporting. through ESG indicators and reporting according to international standards.
Policy approved by the Board of Directors on November 2, 2023, and last modified on December 10, 2023 last modified on December 10, 2024.