industrias pesqueras

17th edition of the International Tuna Trade Congress

You can now read in the online edition of the special Flota Atunera de Industrias Pesqueras the article about our participation in the 17th edition of the Infofish International Tuna Trade Congress, in Bangkok, where we tell how we are revolutionizing tuna fishing through our tools artificial intelligence 🧠🐟    

”Zunibal enters its new stage with several projects to improve the sustainability of the tuna sector”

“Zunibal enters its new stage with several projects to improve the sustainability of the tuna sector”   In this article from the popular magazine Industrias Pesqueras we tell you about the projects we are working on in favor of sustainability and the environment, such as Biofad, a biodegradable aggregation platform, and Smart Tunabuoy, a smart …

“Zunibal enters its new stage with several projects to improve the sustainability of the tuna sector” Read More »

“Zunibal: Tecnología para aumentar la rentabilidad de la pesca de manera sostenible” – Industrias Pesqueras

“Zunibal: Tecnología para aumentar la rentabilidad de la pesca de manera sostenible” – Industrias Pesqueras En este artículo sobre nosotros en en el especial Equipos Electrónicos de la edición de febrero de la revista Industrias pesqueras, te contamos un poco más sobre nuestro compromiso con el sector pesquero y nuestro dispositivo de monitoreo homologado: la Caja Azul …

“Zunibal: Tecnología para aumentar la rentabilidad de la pesca de manera sostenible” – Industrias Pesqueras Read More »