
SDG and tuna fishing: how Zunibal contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of environmental resources

SDG and tuna fishing: how Zunibal contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of environmental resources   In recent years, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a fundamental framework for promoting sustainability in all economic activities. Tuna fishing is one of these activities, and at Zunibal we have become a benchmark in the sector …

SDG and tuna fishing: how Zunibal contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of environmental resources Read More »

The Artificial Intelligence solutions that will revolutionize the fishing sector

Our Artificial Intelligence solutions, which are going to revolutionize the fishing sector, allow us to improve the discrimination of target species and know the best fishing areas. Our recent commitment to AI has allowed us to develop solutions that improve the ratio of tons of fishing per nautical mile and avoid fishing for non-target species. …

The Artificial Intelligence solutions that will revolutionize the fishing sector Read More »

”We need more talent to develop disruptive innovation”

As a pioneering company in innovation, in this Business Strategy article you can read the opinion of Ibone Rodríguez de Pablo regarding the need for young professional profiles to develop the new technologies that we have already incorporated into ZUNIBAL 👨‍💻 👩‍💻 

We participated in the Innobasque round table

Today the Guide to Innovation in the Basque Country is presented, by the Basque Innovation Agency, Inobasque. Our CEO at ZUNIBAL, Ibone Rodríguez de Pablo, participates in the round table that brings together examples of disruptive innovation in the business.  


Today our CEO, Ibone Rodríguez de Pablo, has collected the DigitalTek 2022 award from EL CORREO with which we have been awarded. This award recognizes our contribution to technological transformation through our application of Big Data in tuna fishing 🧠 🐟 We are very grateful for this recognition of all the work that has led …


17th edition of the International Tuna Trade Congress

You can now read in the online edition of the special Flota Atunera de Industrias Pesqueras the article about our participation in the 17th edition of the Infofish International Tuna Trade Congress, in Bangkok, where we tell how we are revolutionizing tuna fishing through our tools artificial intelligence 🧠🐟    

World Fishing Day

For us sustainability is a fundamental pillar. That is why today, on World Fishing Day, we want to thank all of you who support us, for collaborating in providing solutions to preserve the oceans and encourage sustainable fishing. THANK YOU

FINALIST photos of the VII Zunibal Photography Contest

FINALIST photos of the VIII Zunibal Photography Contest These are the finalist photos of the VIII Zunibal Photography Contest, which will represent the 12 months of the 2022 Zunibal calendar. From these photos, a first prize and two second prizes will be chosen. Congratulations!