”Our great contribution has been the invention of the satellite buoy with a probe to detect shoals of tuna remotely”

“Our great contribution has been the invention of the satellite buoy with a probe to detect shoals of tuna remotely”   Today the Spri Group has published on its blog an interview with our Managing Director Ibone Rodríguez de Pablo in which he talks about the evolution of Zunibal, the products under development and our …

“Our great contribution has been the invention of the satellite buoy with a probe to detect shoals of tuna remotely” Read More »

”Zunibal enters its new stage with several projects to improve the sustainability of the tuna sector”

“Zunibal enters its new stage with several projects to improve the sustainability of the tuna sector”   In this article from the popular magazine Industrias Pesqueras we tell you about the projects we are working on in favor of sustainability and the environment, such as Biofad, a biodegradable aggregation platform, and Smart Tunabuoy, a smart …

“Zunibal enters its new stage with several projects to improve the sustainability of the tuna sector” Read More »

”Zunibal sails the oceans powered by its R&D and the support of Nazca Capital”

“Zunibal sails the oceans powered by its R&D and the support of Nazca Capital”   In this article in the November issue of Estrategia Empresarial magazine, we talk about the company’s new short-term objectives and the projects in which ZUNIBAL is working to gain market share and become market leaders by supporting us in innovation …

“Zunibal sails the oceans powered by its R&D and the support of Nazca Capital” Read More »

Zunibal at World Maritime Week 2021

We have had the pleasure of participating in the new edition of the main event on marine energies in southern Europe, the World Maritime Week, held from October 5 to 7 in Bilbao. The main researchers, leaders and companies whose main objective is the development of marine energy sources have met there, including Zunibal. World …

Zunibal at World Maritime Week 2021 Read More »

Ibone Rodriguez, General Director of ZUNIBAL, tells us about the new objectives of the company

Ibone Rodriguez, General Director of ZUNIBAL, tells us about the new objectives of the company   In this article by elEconomista, our Managing Director Ibone Rodríguez de Pablo tells us about the new objectives of ZUNIBAL and the short-term projects we are working on. “We believe in the continuous improvement of our products, we do …

Ibone Rodriguez, General Director of ZUNIBAL, tells us about the new objectives of the company Read More »

Cepyme Award 2020

Zunibal was acknowledged by CEPYME as one of the top 500 companies in growth in 2010.

Bizkaia ON Award

Bizkaia ON award winners! We received the internationalisation award for our market growth.


We exhibited our eco-design buoy Tuna8 Xtreme at the most important eco-design event, i.e. the BEM2020

“Zunibal: Tecnología para aumentar la rentabilidad de la pesca de manera sostenible” – Industrias Pesqueras

“Zunibal: Tecnología para aumentar la rentabilidad de la pesca de manera sostenible” – Industrias Pesqueras En este artículo sobre nosotros en en el especial Equipos Electrónicos de la edición de febrero de la revista Industrias pesqueras, te contamos un poco más sobre nuestro compromiso con el sector pesquero y nuestro dispositivo de monitoreo homologado: la Caja Azul …

“Zunibal: Tecnología para aumentar la rentabilidad de la pesca de manera sostenible” – Industrias Pesqueras Read More »