Tuna8 Xtreme
Zunibal presents the new Tuna8Xtreme, the satellite buoy with 4,320 soundings per day, every 20 seconds. It also has a Low Q transducer with Airmar guarantee, world leader in ultrasound sensor technology. Its scale has been enlarged to 120 meters and the detection range adapted to the target species. Besides offering information in the hours of greatest fishing interest, it offers the new Fortuna Mode, 100 soundings in 5 transmissions, 1 per minute. Facilitates a double sounding presentation, in scientific mode and summary mode. The Vertical Sounder System guarantees vertical sounding. Zunibal certifies this buoy with the Ecodesign seal, being a product in favor of sustainability and generating less impact on our oceans.
Product details
High definition professional sounder
- 4,320 soundings per day, every 20 seconds.
- Detection range adapted to the target species.
- Low Q Transducer with Airmar guarantee.
- Scale enlarged to 120 meters.
- Focused information in hours of higher fishing activity.
- New Fortuna mode: 100 soundings in 5 transmissions, 1 per minute.
Double sounder presentation
- Scientific mode: 1.6m/layer resolution. Sounder and Echogram.
- Summary mode: 6m/layer resolution. Historical sounder in vertical mode.
Airmar Transducer
World leader in ultrasonic sensor technology for marine applications.
System permanently open
Request at any time with inmediate response, permanently open communications, global coverage.
Vertical Sounder System
Inertial system that ensures sounding in a vertical position.